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  • Kelsey Garmon, RD

“What Are You Doing to Get A Healthy Start?”

The way you start your day sets the tone for the next 24hrs. Whether you choose to wake up at 6am, or 10am; eating should be one of the first things on your agenda each morning. Breakfast is crucial to waking up your body, brain, and metabolism. Unfortunately, too many people don’t make breakfast a priority, and thus miss out on all of its nutritional benefits. Eating breakfast gives you a chance to get important vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods like dairy, grains, and fruits. If you skip breakfast you’ll have a hard time getting in all the nutrients you need during the rest of the day, so here are some tips to help you plan and execute a healthy morning meal:

1. Plan ahead!

Before you go to bed, make sure you know what you’re having for breakfast the next


You might need to wake up 20min earlier so that you can stop at the dining hall before breakfast, but it’ll be well worth it when you’re able to focus in class with a satisfied stomach. There are hundreds of easy breakfast ideas that can be prepared in minutes in case you’re running short on time:

  • toast with peanut butter, a banana, and glass of milk

  • oatmeal with raisins and hard boiled egg on the side

  • fruit and granola yogurt parfait

  • breakfast sandwich with egg, ham, & cheese; side of fresh fruit

These options are quick to make or grab from the dining facilities on campus; and can be eaten on the go for busy schedules.

2. Aim eat at least 3 different food groups at breakfast; including protein and

carbohydrates to fuel your brain. Below are examples of healthy choices from each food group:

Protein: Eggs, Turkey Sausage, Nuts and Nut Butters, Tofu

Grains: Oatmeal, Whole Grain Cereal, Whole Wheat Toast or English Muffin

Dairy: Yogurt, Low Fat Milk, Soy Milk, Cheese in an Omelet

Fruit: 8 oz of 100% Fruit Juice, Dried Fruits in Cereal, Whole Fruit such as banana, apple,

orange, or grapefruit, Berries

Vegetables: Add vegetables to an omelet, quiche, or tofu scramble

3. Focus on Fiber. Carbohydrates are a source of quick energy for the body, but they must contain

FIBER to keep you feeling full.

  • Steer clear of high sugar foods such as sweet cereals, donuts, cinnamon rolls, or syrup since these can lead to blood glucose spikes and crash within a few hours.


  • Try a whole-grain cereal such as raisin bran, granola, or cheerios

  • Choose bread products with at least 3g fiber per serving

  • Eat Whole Fruits with skin such as apple, pear, grapes, or berries

For more information and ideas check out:

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